FDA Recalls Cheeses, Eggs, Smoked Salmon and some OTC Medicines

Health and safety are important issues facing parents. Here are FDA food and product recall updates on Rolaids, Tylenol, Benadryl, Motrin, eggs, cheese and others. The FDA has created a free printable Holiday Food Safety Success Kit, too. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA.gov) has put links to several Holiday Food Safety resources, including a free printable Holiday Food Safety Success Kit and two Holiday Food Safety videos, one in English and one in Spanish. These were designed by the wise and helpful people at www.holidayfoodsafety.org and made available to print. Read more...

Bedbugs Are Major Health Concern in Many Communities: How Inspect and Treat

Bedbugs have been a hot topic in health, parenting and local communities. Just the mention of beg bugs conjures up images of disease and unsanitary conditions. How can parents avoid bedbugs and treat infestation? The facts about bedbugs may surprise and reassure you. Read on...

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