In health news, the 2012-2013 flu season is shaping up to be a rough one. The Detroit Free Press reports that yet another child has died in southwest Michigan from flu-related illness, bringing the number to three this year. Two adults have died from similar flu illnesses, and the number of cases in Michigan continues to rise. Despite this, I still urge caution when considering whether to get the flu shot or not. For all the hype about it, remember that it only protects against three strains and which ones will be virulent each year is hard to predict. Also, once vaccinated, you pretty much have to be vaccinated every year thereafter (that's from health care providers). Lastly, the best offense is a good defense. Eating healthy, taking care of yourself and your kids, keeping sick ones away from others, washing hands and covering your mouth--those are worth more than any vaccine.
Michigan 2012-2013 Flu Shot Options