Ketogenic diet foods to burn fat: Low-carb, good fat, high protein superfood

The ketogenic diet is showing amazing results in curbing obesity and improving cognition, Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia. So what foods should you eat on a ketogenic diet? Ketogenic foods need to be low-carb, rich in good fat (and low in bad, transfat and saturated fat), plus high protein and full of good dietary fiber. Happily, fiber and good fat go hand in hand. Good fat and fiber are both chockful of fatty acids (aka omega oils). Here are ketogenic diet foods with the three-pronged low-carb, good fat, high protein combination. From A to Z, eat these ketogenic diet foods to lose weight, burn fat and get healthy.  Ketogenic diet foods to burn fat: Low-carb, good fat, high protein superfood |

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