One 8 ounce serving of plain skim milk Greek yogurt contains zero fat, is low in cholesterol, high in acidophilus and provides 20+ grams of protein. Nutrition Data (click here) shows that one cup of plain skim milk yogurt contains 45% RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of calcium., a mineral women and elderly don't often get in sufficient quantities.
Acidophilus or bifidus (l. bifidum), is good bacteria which restores healthy flora to the digestive tract. It's especially important to eat it after taking antibiotics which kill all bacteria, good and bad. Yogurt is an excellent source of acidophilus, l. bulgaricus and l. thermophilus, other healthy live bacteria cultures.
The popular Mediterranean Diet, based on the dietary foods pyramid Mediterranean region dwellers, relies on yogurt and kefir as diet staples. For those working to reduce triglycerides and LDL (low density level lipoproteins) or 'bad' cholesterol, yogurt is an excellent dairy substitute. Being fermented, it helps clean clogged arteries. To get the most health benefit, choose Greek yogurt or kefir skim or lowfat.
Plain yogurt substitutes for cottage cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, cheese spreads, shredded cheese and milk in cooking and baking. Bake with plain yogurt in breads, rolls, cakes, cookies, cream pies, muffins and donuts, in place of milk. Blend into dressings and sauces. For snacks, blend with honey or raw sugar. Add salt and vanilla for to substitute for frosting, topping or icing.
One of my children's favorite treats was dip made by blending peanut butter and plain yogurt half and half. Now I used PB2 peanut powder. Dip fruits, vegetables, crackers, pretzels and other salty snacks. If you prefer a sweeter dip, add honey, raw sugar, pure maple syrup or blue agave syrup. Cinnamon, ginger or cardamom make tasty add-ins for yogurt-peanut butter dip.
For more great food and health tips, visit my blog www.greatfood4u.blogspot.com.