Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome: 'Off the Meds' Side Effects and Coping

Tips for Coping with SSRI Antidepressant Discontinuation Sydrome: Withdrawal Dizziness
Are you trying to get off from anti-depressants? Did you know that coming off SSRI antidepressants like Paxil can cause withdrawal symptoms? If you are feeling dizzy, you may be experiencing Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome.
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Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome: Coping with Withdrawal Side Effects

Understanding Anti-Depressant Discontinuation Syndrome and SSRI Withdrawal Dizziness
For the last month, I have been weaning myself off all anti-depressants, including Paxil which I have taken for seven years. I knew the journey wouldn't be easy, but I wasn't prepared for the intense dizziness I'm experiencing. Here's how I cope
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Lose Weight by Quitting Antidepressants

Want to Lose Weight? Get Off the Anti-Depressants
For the first 40 years of my life, I a) maintained a constant weight of 130 pounds even after four babies and b) did not take anti-depressants. In 2003, I went on Paxil after the loss of a baby. Since then I've been steadily gaining weight.
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Natural Candida and Yeast Infection Home Remedies: Acidophilus

Natural Healthy Drug-Free Yeast Infection and Candida Treatments
Candida is the generic medical term for yeast infections. When yeasts, or fungi levels in the body are out of balance, it causes itching, rash and discomfort. Vaginal yeast infection and infant thrush can be treated in healthy, natural ways.
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GlaxoSmithKline Linked to Weight Gain, Obesity and Cholesterol Problems

Paxil Anti-Anxiety Medication Can Cause Weight Gain and High LDL Cholesterol Issues
Seven years ago, I began taking the antidepressant medication Paxil (Paroxetine, Fluxetine) for anxiety issues. Paxil is now known to cause many side-effects. Weight gain and elevated LDL cholesterol are two problems commonly caused by Paxil.
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GlaxoSmithKlein Antidepressant Paxil Linked to Miscarriage, Birth Defects

GlaxoSmithKline Antidepressant Paxil Linked to Miscarriage, Birth Defects and Spontaneous Abortion
Paxil (paroxetine, fluxetine), marketed by GlaxoSmithKline is a regularly prescribed SSRI medication to manage anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Paxil has been linked to miscarriage, spontaneous abortion and birth defects if taken during pregnancy.
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Dental and Orthodontic Braces Follow-Up Care

Dental and Orthodontic Follow-Up Care for Braces and Mouth Hardware
Orthodontia is a growing health care industry. Advances are continually being made in dental care. But the best orthodontist or dentist cannot repair teeth unless the patient participates. Here's a follow-up guide for dental care.
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Emotional Health in Summer Heat

Emotional Health and Wellness: How to Beat the Heat and Humidty Blues
Summertime makes people happy: lovely: blue skies, swimming, warm weather....but what about when the weather gets too warm? As the heat index and humidity level rises, so do tempers, stress, tension and emotional problems.
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Emotional Health: Purge the Clutter

Emotional Health Tips: Purge Your Clutter
Purge the clutter. Get rid of useless junk. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. These are common phrases. What I'm going to discuss is not new. But it's important and bears repeating. Purging clutter both in the home and in life is a great emotional health boost.
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