Blender Juices Superfood Super Green Vitamin Packed Smoothies

I have lost 92 pounds and still have eight pounds to go. So I'm boosting raw veggies, raw juices and greens. I came late to the juicing fellowship and have not bought one yet. I wrote that I was considering buying a juicer. A commenter suggested I use the juice function on my blender and I said mine didn't have that option.wrote Juicer Pricing Considerations.  Then I had an ah-ha moment. Of course the blender can juice, using "liquefy." Well, color me brilliant, it worked. Juice was a bit pulpy, more like a smoothie. A juicer would probably make less chunky veggie juices I'm after. But to save $75 and counter space? I'll live with it.   Blender Juices Superfood Super Green Drink

Relationship Glue Recipe: Take Care of Yourself, Demand Consideration

 We teach preschoolers to play nice. But many adults need refresher courses, too. Getting what we want and need without hurting others--lots of people need to learn how to do that.

Let's discuss healthy self-care. What it isn't--Blanche duBois Syndrome--always relying on the kindness of strangers. That's a one-way ticket to misery. Not everyone is kind. It's selfish and manipulative to expect others to do for us what we should do for ourselves.  Relationship Glue Recipe: Demand Consideration

Sleep Apnea Myths Can Kill

 I was diagnosed with OSA--Obstructive Sleep Apnea-- in 2010. I began using a CPAP (continuous positive air pressure) breathing machine. It's helped me rest and has quite possibly saved my life. I've always had sleep problems. Now that I know why, I've researched apnea. I've found a lot of misinformation circulated by those who don't have it. Some myths are mean stereotyping. Others could kill. Dangerous Myths About Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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