Quit When You Still Feel Ahead to Prevent Burnout

I did it again. Worked past personal stop time I'd set. I meant to get to the store in the window of time while it was nice. A teeny-weeny porthole window in Michigan.

Now I can't because my husband will be getting up soon and I don't want to miss him before he goes to work. There's no way I can make it back from the store in time. And I want to get it done before Snowmageddon hits, again, tomorrow. But no, I ignored my inner prompting and now I'm feeling anxious, burned out, but still like I didn't accomplish enough.

My friends, that still small voice is there for a reason. It's her that keeps us from overwork. When she says stop, listen, for your own good. Read on. Prevent Burnout, Quit While You Still Feel Ahead

Caffeine Free Water Pills for Weight Loss

I have noticed my weight loss slowed and stopped, even though I'm still dieting. A friend mentioned that I might be retaining water. As I'm out of menopause and no longer have monthly cycles, I didn't think that would be an issue. So I went looking for safe natural caffeine free diuretics. I found one by Sundown Naturals and cost only $3. With a $2 off coupon from Meijer, only a buck. It's primarily potassium with other good herbs like Uva Ursi, alfalfa, parsley, juniper, bucchu. Read on   Caffeine Free Water Pills for Weight Loss

Weight Loss Challenges--Maintenance Diet After Weight Loss

I write a lot about weight loss. Over the last 10 years, I put on 100 pounds. I went into menopause and everything went FUBAR. So I've been working to lose shed that fat. I've only got about 7 pounds left to go. I'm trying to do it healthy, making little tweaks. I made up my mind I wasn't going to crash diet, nor make huge, invasive changes, like surgery. I'm looking to build healthy habits I can sustain once all the weight is gone.  Diet Difficulties--Weaning Into a Maintenance Diet After Weight Loss

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